Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UTD (up-to-date) ... PART 2


Same morning routine. 6:30AM wake up and took Wally out of the master bathroom and attempted to take him outside. FAIL. I carried Wally down the stairs and fed him and gave him water while I tuned in to FOX News in the Morning and checked if WoW (World of Warcraft) servers were down - which they were. James had to get going to go see his mom to a dentist appointment. So, it was my golden opportunity to train him. I got him to go up and down stairs with minimal drama and successfully got Wally to do his "business" outside. THANK, GOD!

James got back around 3PM and while I got ready to teach. James tended to Wally while I was gone. James put Wally in his metal cage before he went to go meet me at Jazzercise. We both got home all smelly and nasty around 8:30 and checked in on Wally. He didn't start crying or whining until I got closer to his cage, but it was all good. We ordered Dominos for dinner and we both watched TV until very late around 11PM and attempted to crate (metal) him. I read up on crating techniques prior and followed them. James was passed out the couch, so this was another opportunity to train him. I led him to his cage while saying "CRATE" and giving him treats for doing such a good job. On the 5th attempt I shut the door and all Hell broke loose. He started whining and crying while I was playing WoW. I noticed that we was gnawing at the crate and let him be. After 45 minutes, I went upstairs to leave him whining and crying and James went to sleep next to the crate on the floor.

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